March 2022

 The month of March is here and we will be focusing on the "100% Accountable" mindset. During this month, we are exploring the concept of students being responsible for their own success and helping students to understand the effect of negative thoughts. Students will be encouraged to focus their energy on achieving goals despite having challenges and setbacks. Our fifth grade students will be exploring a middle school schedule and beginning to think about selections for their middle school electives. Our goal is to have our students understand the power of positive thinking. It can can affect your mood, your thoughts and emotions. We are 100% accountable for ourselves- we will not blame others. Instead we will own our choices, words and actions. How can parents help with this Mindset at home? Model accountability! Have conversations about being accountable. Asking your student what they have learned in school about being accountable is a GREAT way to get that conversation started. 


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